Why Did Alyson Hannigan Leave Fool Us? Learn Now

Why Did Alyson Hannigan Leave Fool Us

Here is Why Did Alyson Hannigan Leave Fool Us? For seven seasons, Alyson Hannigan brought a very special energy to the show Penn and Teller: Fool Us. The actress was both parts skeptical (but not too much) and positive (but not annoyingly so), and created a special bond with the audience that helped show be successful.

She joined the show in its third season, replacing Jonathan Ross. At the time, she told The Hollywood Reporter that she and her eldest daughter were “huge fans of this show.”

|| Why did Alyson Hannigan leave Penn and Teller: Fool Us?

• The expected Reason:

Alyson could reasonably expect to be negotiating her new contract significantly upwards having been the host of one of CW’s most successful shows. And her agent will want a higher share of revenue from syndication and foreign sales.

And the CW can’t dump Penn & Teller, but they _can_ change hosts and offer the new host Alyson’s old contract (or worse). The reason has not been announced uptill now.

Regardless, Penn and Teller: Fool Us has moved on with a new host: Brooke Burke. Burke used to host the show Wild On! on the E! Network and coincidentally, she won the seventh season of Dancing with the Stars.


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